Beta testing program

Why not join the exciting world of beta testing? You will receive advanced copies of programs due to be released to test and improve. Whether you are just a casual user or slightly geek we would love to hear from you. Fill out the form to your right today to get started. Remember to read the beta tester TERMS&CONDITIONS before you apply.


You will receive unreleased software from "us" (Techease Software). Upon being accepted into the beta testing program. The software you receive may contain errors or "bugs" that have not yet been discovered. You indemnify Techease Software and/or our agents from any claim whatsoever regarding "The Software" (Beta testing programs documentation and any other file related to testing as supplied by us.) Your use of/inabilty to use the software. And any data and/or financial loss related directly or indirectly to your use of the software.  You understand that the software is supplied to you under license from us and must be removed from your machine at the expiry of this license or if we demand that you do so.

You are deemed to have read and understood these terms and conditions and abide by them should you check the I have read checkbox on the submission form.  Applications without this checked will be refused. 

Apply to join the beta testing team


Submit a bug report
